Business Consulting and
Tax Planning Services
Looking Out for Your Business's Bottom Line
Do you know how your business stands against your competition? Has the value of your company been determined lately? If not, your bottom line may be hurting unnecessarily. Every corporation has its area weakness, and our skilled staff has the expertise to help you find and fix your problem.
Accurately Assessing the Value of Your Business
Our detail-focused team uses time-tested valuation methods in all our work. We also investigate how your company compares to your competition. As a result, you can expect to receive a thorough assessment that provides you with an accurate business value with us.
To Discuss your Business Valuation Needs
Call for a consultation to discuss your tax audit needs. Get an expert second opinion on your business's valuation. Call on (248) 566 3362 & (248) 509 2218 for more information.
Business Valuation Services
Get a Qualified Tax Professional on Your Side
Tax Planning strategies are specific strategies people use in order to legally reduce their taxes. There are many tax planning strategies, especially when considering tax planning.
It is the analysis of your life and business to optimize and utilize specific strategies in order to legally reduce taxes. There are over 1700 tax planning strategies that we can possibly use when considering tax planning.
Owning a business traditionally allows more tax planning opportunities than an individual earning W-2 income, although there are many tax planning strategies for both scenarios.

Tax Planning for Business Owners
What is business tax planning?
When starting a business, you must consider a number of tax-related issues. Although business tax planning is a complicated area, it is essential to understand three major topics: tax consequences when the business is formed, tax consequences when the business generates income or loss, and tax consequences of business distributions. It is extremely important that the proper entity is chosen to minimize taxes and expand the growth of the business. Will your chosen form of business offer you opportunities needed to develop a current and future planning scenario. You will have more concise knowledge of where your business is now and in the future.
What are the tax consequences of business formation?
When a business is formed, an owner will typically transfer cash or property to the business in exchange for an ownership interest in the business. It's important to understand the possible tax implications of this exchange. Tax treatment varies depending on the type of business entity you select. Additionally, you need to be aware of the concept of "boot" and the tax consequences of transferring property encumbered by liabilities to the corporation. If the proper structure is done in the beginning you will be in total control of your business. There are substantial tax conquences if the wrong entity is in place.
What are the tax consequences if the business generates income or loss?
Tax treatment of income or loss varies depending on the type of business entity you selected. There are areas of the Tax code that offer great deductions which will disappear 2025. It would make sense to take advantage of the Tax code.
What are the tax consequences of business distributions?
Tax treatment of business distributions varies depending on the type of business entity that has been selected.
Tax Planning for High Net worth Individuals
Tax planning is the analysis of a financial situation or plan to ensure that all elements work together to allow you to pay the lowest taxes possible. Tax planning strategies are specific strategies people use in order to legally reduce their taxes. There are many tax planning strategies needed to be taken advantage of before they are no longer available.
High Net worth Individuals have to delicately Plan their Tax scenarios, There are many Tax Planning solutions available, however they need to tailored for every individual.
For the Long-Term Success of Your Defined Benefit Plan
Employers who offer defined benefit plans, such as pensions, typically enjoy better employee retention and loyalty. But if those plans aren't implemented correctly, they can be very costly to the employers.
For an expert analysis of your company's defined benefit plan that comes backed by over 60 years of combined experience, turn to Tax Solutions Consultants. Our team of professionals will make sure your plan is set up to work in your favor for years to come.
Identifying Ways to Reduce Your Tax Liability
Many employers find that they are limited in what they can contribute to their defined benefit plans. These limitations can hurt an employer's ability to adequately fund their retirement plans and increase the amount of taxes they owe.
But with Tax Solutions Consultants on your side, you may be able to take advantage of new tax law changes that you may not have known were available. You can rely on us to thoroughly analyze your defined benefit plan and then identify ways to reduce your tax liability while increasing the retirement contributions you can make.
Why Benchmark Your Company 401(k) Plan?
Welcome to Uncovering the Truth: Benchmarking Your Company's 401(k) Plan.
Benchmarking is simply the process of organizing, reviewing, and then evaluating to learn if your plan is competitive and provides an objective look at your 401(k) as a whole. See how your company 401(k) compares with other companies' 401(k) plans by using retirement plan benchmarking. The Benchmarking report will help you discover why making the right decisions for your company's 401(k) plan shouldn't be guesswork.
For people responsible for managing their company's 401(k) plan, those individuals who sign the 5500 form for ERISA, benchmarking is more relevant than ever between avoiding lawsuits, hiring and retaining employees, and contending with budgetary and investment pressures. Unfortunately, many 401(k) sponsors are unaware of how vital this information is to prove they have met the Fiduciary obligations. These reports are proof that you have met these standards. To receive further information regarding Benchmarking your Companies 401(k), please fill in the request form or give us a call at (248) 566 3362 & (248) 509 2218

A little bit about us, we provide ongoing educational services and customized support for 401(k) plan managers and offer comprehensive plan services that are designed to help employees optimize their retirement savings while easing the company's risk and administrative burden.

Zoom Meetings Are Available.
Call us at (248) 566 3362 & (248) 509 2218
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your defined benefit plan.
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